Mountain Pine Beetle
Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins
Coleoptera: Curculionidae
- Carlson, R.W.; Cole, W.E. 1965. A technique for sampling populations of the mountain pine beetle. USDA Forest Service Research Paper INT-20: 13 pages. -
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- Knight, F.B. 1960. Sequential sampling of Black Hills beetle populations. USDA Forest Service Research Note RM-48: 8 pages. -
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- Safranyik, L.; Linton, D. A. 2002. Line transect sampling to estimate the density of lodgepole pine currently attacked by mountain pine beetle. Inform. Rpt. BC-X-392. Victoria, B. C.: Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre; 10 p. -
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- Wulder, M. A.; Dymond, C. C.; Erickson, B. 2004. Detection and monitoring of the mountain pine beetle. Info. Rpt. BC-X-398. Victoria, B.C.: Natural Resources Canada, Pacific Forestry Centre; 24 p. -
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