In 2001 a hardcopy compendium of "Sampling Methods for Forest and Shade Tree Insects of North America" was published by the USDA Forest Service (FHTET-2001-01). A companion website was created at that time and presented to the public.
The key objectives of this effort were to:
- Identify previously published sampling procedures used for pest management decision-making and assessments (does not include research-specific procedures);
- Summarize and present the procedures in an organized and easy-to-follow format.
In 2010, a second volume was produced (FHTET-2010-03). This updated and redesigned website combines summaries from both volumes and places it into one outlet.
The articles and summaries are organized by feeding guild (see menu in left menu). Each summary includes the citation, objective, abstract, sampling procedure (description of how to use it), notes (caveats), and references used in the summary. A glossary section is included.
Breakdown of summaries by feeding guild can be found here.

How to Use This Site:
Open a menu, find your insect, and choose a pub summary to read or download. You may even test or use a sampling procedure. Enjoy and let us know what you think.